Pure Elite: Welcome, Sue! Can you tell us what categories you compete in?
Sue Chittock: I compete in Bikini Fitness and Fitness.
Pure Elite: What motivates you to compete in bodybuilding?
Sue Chittock: It’s about constantly bettering myself. It’s me vs me, both mentally and physically.
Pure Elite: Can you share a significant moment from your fitness journey that stands out to you?
Sue Chittock: Stepping on stage for the first time was a big moment. I’ve struggled with anxiety and fear of being judged, so getting on stage and being judged by complete strangers was empowering. I felt great about myself.
Pure Elite: Who or what inspires you to keep pushing towards your goals?
Sue Chittock: I’m inspired by anyone who steps outside their comfort zone or overcomes hurdles, especially health conditions like myself, to keep bettering themselves.
Pure Elite: What advice would you give to someone aspiring to compete in bodybuilding or with Pure Elite?
Sue Chittock: Just do it! You’ll learn so much about yourself and make lifelong friends along the way.
Pure Elite: What has been the biggest challenge you've faced in your fitness journey, and how did you overcome it?
Sue Chittock: Being diagnosed with lifelong health issues and losing people close to me during prep was tough. I had to change my mindset and learned so much about myself in the process.
Pure Elite: Is this your first Pure Elite Pro Show?
Sue Chittock: No, it’s not.
Pure Elite: Why did you choose to compete with Pure Elite?
Sue Chittock: I had heard how friendly the Pure Elite community is, and it didn’t disappoint. It only gets better!
Pure Elite: What has been the highlight of your experience competing with Pure Elite so far?
Sue Chittock: Winning my Pro card was amazing, but meeting so many friendly, like-minded people and making some fantastic friends has been the best part.
Pure Elite: How would you describe the community and support you’ve experienced with Pure Elite?
Sue Chittock: There’s no other community like it. Everyone is so friendly and encouraging; it feels like a big extended family.
Pure Elite: What are you most looking forward to at this year’s World Championships?
Sue Chittock: Everything! The whole day is just amazing.
Pure Elite: What would you say to someone considering competing at Pure Elite?
Sue Chittock: What’s stopping you? Do it—you have nothing to lose and so much to gain!
Pure Elite: Is there any Pure Elite Pro you would like to compete against?
Sue Chittock: There are so many amazing pros. I’d be honoured to share the stage with any of them. But for me, it’s all about being the best I can be and enjoying the moment.
Pure Elite: Is there anything else you’d like to share with us, or a specific quote you would like us to use?
Sue Chittock: “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. Step outside your comfort zone—you won’t regret it. Never look back; you’re not going that way.”
Follow Sue Chittock's journey on Instagram @Mis_fit_sue_pureelitepro as she prepares to compete at this year’s Pro/Am World Championships on 9th November.
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